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Reimagining An Austrian Ski Resort

The Briefing

A re-branding project for a diverse Austrian ski resort.


Diego Marini


May 2023 | 3 weeks

My Role

Brand Strategist, Visual Designer
In the picturesque heart of the Austrian Alps, Planai Ski Resort emerges as a sanctuary for ski lovers, where friendly staff and advanced infrastructure provide an unmatched experience. With the guidance of Diego Marini, I undertook the challenge of reimagining Planai's future. This redesign isn't just about aesthetics; it's a strategic response to the undeniable impact of climate change on winter sports.

Envisioning Progress

After detailed analysis, I've set six strategic objectives to navigate the ski resort through changing winters and evolving guest expectations.

Business Objectives

Diversification of

Provide unique winter sports alternatives to increase resilience to climate change. Identify exclusive activities.

Business Objectives

Focus on a
Enjoyable Experience

Create a memorable experience with user-friendly information system and gamified chairlift for added entertainment.

Brand Objectives

Unified Brands and

Merge four resorts into a single partnership with consistent design elements and a new brand name representing unique strengths.

Brand Objectives

Partner Up with
Sustainable Brands

Prioritize sustainability in all aspects and communicate this clear in all touchpoints. 

Communication Objectives

Creating Interest for Alternative Sports

Advertise activities, competitions, and events to secure advance bookings, streamlining planning and organization.

Communication Objectives

Positive Change

Launch marketing campaigns in nearby cities to promote sustainability and resilience to fewer winter days.
Competitor Analysis

Outmaneuvering the Competition

The analysis of competitors uncovers their strengths of expansive ski terrains and high customer satisfaction but also reveals critical gaps, such as limited social media engagement and a premium pricing model.

Competitor insights suggest a distinct identity and exceptional experiences boost customer connection. Expanding activity options and offering year-round attractions could differentiate the resort and ensure consistent appeal regardless of snow conditions.

Branding with Personality

Craft a strong, unique brand identity that resonates with and is memorable to guests.

Selling Experiences

Shift from providing services to crafting unforgettable experiences that resonate with guests.

Expanding Attractions

Broaden the range of activities to include unique, non-traditional options that cater to a diverse audience.

Year-Round Destination

Enhance to operate beyond the ski season, ensuring continuous appeal with activities suitable for all weather conditions.

A Mission for an Adaptive Alpine Future

The mission is to transform skiing into an all-season adventure with innovative experiences that endure beyond the transient snow, ensuring the resort leads in sustainability and memorable guest connections in a changing climate.

To reimagine skiing by offering trailblazing experiences that will never melt away.


Vision: To create unexpected moments
that will stay for a lifetime.

At our resort, our values are the driving force behind every communication and action. From surprising innovation to easy-going serenity, we're committed to reimagining winter sports and exceeding expectations, ensuring our guests leave with lasting memories.


Expect the unexpected

Exceeding Expectations
Always Surprising
Don't be Obvious


Leading the way

Reimagining Winter Sport
Not Afraid to Take Risks
Create Lasting Memories


Passion with no limit

Going Above and Beyond
Hard Working
Pushing the Boundaries


Alpine Serenity

Smooth and Easy going
Guests Relax, We do The Rest
Not Overcomplicating Things
This tagline effectively captures the essence of the ski resort, subtly blending the thrill of the experience with our adaptability to changing snow conditions, without directly stating it.
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A complete new look

The next thrilling phase was to delve deep into the creative process, pushing pixels and selecting the perfect color palette, typography, and logos to forge a unique visual identity. It was a hands-on journey, where hours were dedicated to crafting a harmonious brand expression.

Bringing the Vision to Life

Explore how we transform our tagline, 'Let the Thrill Never Melt,' into vibrant reality through inspiring real-world examples.

What did I learn?

Collaborating closely with the creative director, I honed my skills through extensive discussions and brainstorming sessions. The outcome was a comprehensive strategy and visual identity that flawlessly accomplished the rebranding objectives. Through this experience, I've learned that attention to detail and a deep understanding of the brand's heritage and audience are crucial in crafting a visual identity that resonates and delivers results.


"Really great work. I'm happy to see that you pushed it and used the feedback session to improve the outcome. Everytime you were taking the feedback and making progress."

Diego Marini
Co-Founder & Creative Director
at YummyColours